Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: a dreaded presentation of herpes zoster
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Alvarado Ferllini M, Medina Correas NV, Quesada Musa C. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: a dreaded presentation of herpes zoster. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Jun.1 [cited 2024Sep.26];5(6):e416. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/416


Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is a complication of the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus in the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve but, due to the proximity to other nerves and anatomical structures, the presentation can be variable. With the classic clinical manifestations of otalgia, vesicles and peripheral facial paralysis, diagnosis can be achieved in most cases, although sometimes microbiological methods could be used. Once the syndrome is diagnosed, it is essential to start the combined treatment of antiviral agents plus steroids in the first 72 hours to obtain better results and minimize the sequelae, which range from postherpetic neuralgia to retinal necrosis. To this basic treatment it is usually necessary to add analgesics or other measures, in order to reduce the pain so significant that patients present. Finally, the prevention of this syndrome should be contemplated, either with the available vaccines or with the immunoglobulin, all this in order to avoid acute discomfort and severe consequences that can alter the quality of life of patients.




Herpes Zoster Oticus. Facial Nerve. Facial Paralysis. Earache. Blister. Antiviral Agents.
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