Educational intervention in fertile women to raise awareness of vaginal discharge
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Pérez Castillo R, Cordero González Y. Educational intervention in fertile women to raise awareness of vaginal discharge. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2019Apr.1 [cited 2024Jul.2];4(4):4 - 11. Available from:


Objectives: Vaginal discharge is one of the most common syndromic variants among gynecological pathologies and the most frequent cause of gynecological consultation at any age. The aim is to determine the effect of an educational intervention on the knowledge of predisposing factors to vaginal discharge and its sexual-reproductive repercussion.

Objectives: An educational quasi-experiment with a before-after design was carried out in 23 women of childbearing age in a doctor's office. We analyzed the variables age, first sexual relations, knowledge about the sexual factors and effects of vaginal discharge by a semi-structured tool previously validated. The intervention was structured in workshops, distributed in sessions of three hours for 12 weeks. The results of the before and after intervention were compared by nonparametric inferential tests with the Infostat / L software.

Results: The average age and first sexual relations were 28 and 15 years respectively, with average and upper-middle school levels. The pre-intervention group knowledge had a median of 46.00 points, after the study it was 78.00 with a level of statistical significance (p <0.05).

Conclusion: A precocious start of sexual relations exists in women in fertile age. You associate her you witness her of vaginal flow for ignorance of the risk factors and his repercussion in the sexual and reproductive health. The educational intervention based in participation contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.


sexual andreproductive. microbiota. dysbiosis. remedial teaching.
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