Nutritional Grade and social loneliness in the geriatric patient of Family Medicine Unit No. 62
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Rodríguez Olvera KA, Ríos Morales R. Nutritional Grade and social loneliness in the geriatric patient of Family Medicine Unit No. 62. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2024Aug.1 [cited 2024Dec.21];9(8):e1174. Available from:


Introduction: The OPS considers a person aged > 60 years to be geriatric. In this study protocol, the association between nutritional status and social loneliness will be estimated, since at this stage of aging patients are usually abandoned by their relatives, bringing with them changes. and nutritional deficiencies. Objective: Estimate the association between the degree of nutrition and social loneliness in the geriatric patient in the Family Medicine Unit No. 62. Material and Methods: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional and prospective study will be carried out. Using the formula for sample calculation of a finite proportion with a calculated sample of 365 patients, using simple random sampling. Entitled patients will be included, aged 65-75 years and who sign the informed consent. Mini Nutritional Assessment will be used to identify malnourished elderly with Cronbach's alpha of 0.9 and ESTE II Scale that evaluates social loneliness with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.72. Results: A study was carried out to determine the association between the degree of nutrition and social loneliness in 365 patients assigned to the UMF No. 62 IMSS, where 32.1% (117 patients) were found with a low degree of loneliness, with a degree of Medium loneliness was found in 42.2% (154 patients) and with a high degree of loneliness in 25.8% (94 patients). Conclusion: In conclusion, we can say that our research work showed us that malnutrition in geriatric patients is related to high social loneliness.


social loneliness. nutritional status. geriatric.
PDF (Español (España))


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