Association between the application of the vaccine and the presence or absence of the COVID-19 disease
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López Aguilar N, Ríos Morales R. Association between the application of the vaccine and the presence or absence of the COVID-19 disease. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2023Nov.1 [cited 2024Dec.21];8(11):e1115. Available from:


Background: COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome, this condition caused a large number of deaths, due to these vaccines were developed after analyzing mortality patterns; vaccine efficacy refers to the ability to prevent symptoms, in the studies that were conducted vaccine efficacy was reported showing an effectiveness with 95% CI where Pfizer-BioNTech 95%, AstraZeneca-Oxford 59. 5%, Janssen/Johnson & Johnson 66.1%, Sputnik V 92%, Sinovac 50% and modern 94.1%.

Material and Methods: Type of study: observational, analytical, cross-sectional and retrolective with a sample: 352 patients, with a non-probabilistic, non-randomized, convenience sampling, inclusion criteria: patient records with complete vaccination schedule and without vaccination schedule, older than 15 years old. Descriptive statistics were applied with SPSS v25® software.

Results: In the present research work, the association between vaccination history and SARS CoV 2 infection was analyzed regardless of the temporality (pre- or post-vaccination), (p= 0.199).

Conclusions: 74.7% (263 patients) present disease even with complete scheme, while 19.03% (67 patients) present disease without application of the vaccine, in our working hypothesis it was expected that 26% of patients would present disease with complete vaccination scheme, however, our percentage was higher.


COVID-19 infection. immunization. SARS CoV2. efficacy. vaccination schedule.
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