Pregnancy is associated with significant anatomical changes in the kidney. These changes begin just after conception and may persist for several months after delivery. Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in 1.9 to 9.5% in pregnant women, urine culture is used for the diagnosis. It usually develops in the first month of pregnancy. Pyelonephritis is a complication and is the most common non-obstetric cause of hospitalization during pregnancy.
Acute kidney disease,. pregnancy. pyelonephritis,. kidney stones..
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3. Gabbe, S., Niebyl, J., Simpson, J., Landon, M., Galan, H., Jauniaux, E., & Driscoll, D.(2012). Renal Disease. En Obstetrics Normal and Problem Pregnancies(pp.875-880). United States: Elsevier Saunders.
2. Yewetz.S.(2017). Urinary tract infection (UTI) in Pregnancy. Noviembre 2017, de Dynamed Sitio web:http://web.ebscohost.com/dynamed/detail?vid=2&sid=5f30a031-1686-4355-926f 0ca9ed32effd%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZHluYW1lZC1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#A N=904750&db=dme.
3. Gabbe, S., Niebyl, J., Simpson, J., Landon, M., Galan, H., Jauniaux, E., & Driscoll, D.(2012). Renal Disease. En Obstetrics Normal and Problem Pregnancies(pp.875-880). United States: Elsevier Saunders.
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