The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis, other but less common causes are: asymptomatic and subacute thyroiditis, the drug induced (antithyroid drugs: PTU, methimazole, iodine and lithium, carbamazepine, phenytoin and rifampin, amiodarone, aluminum hydroxide, iron sulfate, calcium, vitamins and soy), high doses of external radiation in the neck, congenital hypothyroidism, hereditary metabolic disorders, and thyroid hormone resistance syndromes. In cases of hypothalamic or pituitary disease, there may be secondary hypothyroidism. An example is autoimmune hypophysitis which is of particular interest in obstetrics because of its relationship to Sheehan syndrome.
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3. Gabbe, S., Niebyl, J., Simpson, J., Landon, M., Galan, H., Jauniaux, E., & Driscoll, D.(2012). Pregnancy and Coexisting Disease. En Obstetrics Normal and Problem Pregnancies(pp. 939-942). United States: Elsevier Saunders.