Cervical cancer: overview
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Víquez Redondo KF, Araya Cascante RA, Hidalgo Solís MJ. Cervical cancer: overview. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Sep.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];7(9):e898. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/898


Cervical cancer is a major public health problem in developing countries, which represents a current challenge due to high mortality, with 90  percent % of deaths from this cause, which occurs in low- to middle-income countries. Cervical cancer comprises 8 percent of all cancers among women and is the fourth most common cancer in women after breast, colon, and lung cancers. Squamous cell carcinoma together with adenocarcinoma constitutes more than 98% of all types of cervical cancer. approximately one third of cancerous tumors are related to inflammation induced by microorganisms, in this case cervical cancer is closely related to the human papillomavirus, especially with types 16 and 18 involved in 99% of this type of cancer. It is important to note that the symptoms of cervical cancer generally occur in late stages of the disease, so prevention with screening methods is essential to diagnose both premalignant and cancerous lesions.



neoplasia. cervix. papilloma. cytology.
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