Massive blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock
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Jiménez Vargas MF, Villalobos Romero B, Quirós Chaves K. Massive blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock . Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022May1 [cited 2024Jul.2];7(5):e795. Available from:


Massive transfusion is defined as the replacement of ten units of packed red blood cells in 24 hours. This is used in many clinical settings such as in the area of ​​obstetrics, gastroenterology, traumatology and in the operating room, for which it should be noted that the etiology of bleeding is always different in all cases, among the most prominent trauma and cardiac surgery. Hemorrhagic shock is the most common preventable cause of death in trauma patients or in the operating room, accounting for 30% to 40% of deaths in trauma patients. Its classification is based on clinical parameters suggestive of hypoperfusion, which is very useful for estimating the percentage of acute blood loss and thus being able to provide the most appropriate initial treatment. It is classified from grade I to IV, the latter being life-threatening and requiring blood products for an adequate approach. For an appropriate decision-making regarding who needs the massive transfusion protocol, there are resources such as the ABC score and the Shock Index. It is worth remembering that the use of blood groups can generate adverse reactions, either immediately or late, and it is extremely important to recognize them in time to be able to provide adequate treatment.


hemorrhage. erythrocytes,. plasma. platelet transfusion. shock.
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