Guyon`s canal syndrome with motor compression of the ulnar nerve
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Lee Ruiz L, Castro Appiani LM, González Arrieta DE. Guyon`s canal syndrome with motor compression of the ulnar nerve: a case report. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Sep.1 [cited 2024Sep.19];5(9):e579. Available from:


Guyon`s canal in the wrist is a highly complex anatomical area, its limits are formed by various structures and its content is essential for the integrity of the hand. There are multiple factors that can eventually compress the ulnar nerve to this level, producing Guyon`s canal syndrome. This syndrome presents a variety of atypical signs and symtoms depending on the level of nerve involvement, so there are delimited areas to differentiate the sensory or motor compression of the nerve. The clinical case of a male patient is presented, with a 2-month evolution of solely motor symptoms, muscle atrophy and signs of compression of the left ulnar nerve at the level of Guyon`s canal, and its management was surgical.


ulnar nerve. ulnar nerve compression syndromes. wrist. therapeutics. general surgery.
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