Duchenne muscular Dystrophy: diagnosis and treatment
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Quesada Vargas M, Esquivel Rodríguez N, Rosales Gutiérrez JM. Duchenne muscular Dystrophy: diagnosis and treatment. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2019Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(12):e315. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/315


Duchene muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disease linked to X chromosome, mainly caused by deletions or duplications in the dystrophin gene; with wear of the proximal muscles, particularly those of the pelvis. The clinical symptoms are usually more visible around 6 years of age, but they are children who from the beginning have delayed neurodevelopment; and most lose the ability to walk around 12-14 years. The measurement of creatinine phosphokinase levels, muscle biopsy, electromyography and genetic test is used as tools to reach a diagnosis. These patients usually have a prognosis of no more than three decades. There is no treatment that can cure the disease, but some drugs are used to reduce its evolution and measures such as physiotherapy to improve the quality of life.



muscle diseases. dystrophin. muscular dystrophy Duchenne. creatine kinase.
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