Associated factors to the obstetric hemorrhage in the immediate postparto: Juan Bruno Zayas Hospital
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Columbié Fariñas T, Pérez Castillo R, Cordero Gonzalez Y. Associated factors to the obstetric hemorrhage in the immediate postparto: Juan Bruno Zayas Hospital . Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2019Oct.1 [cited 2024Dec.4];4(10):e269. Available from:


Introduction: Immediate postpartum hemorrhage is any loss by uterine bleeding in the first 24 hours. The medical action includes the early identification of the factors of risk, measures for hemodynamic stabilization, surgical management and anesthesiology. The objective is to evaluate the protocolized medical performance in the management of the factors associated with obstetric hemorrhage in the immediate postpartum period.

Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study was carried out from January 2015 to December 2018 at the Juan Bruno Zayas Hospital in a sample of 105 postpartum women. It included the variables: risk factors, aetiology, resolutive actions, measures of prevention, preliminary diagnostic guidelines, therapeutic actions, severity of the disease, and bleeding, response to treatment, and complications. The performance evaluation is standardized as: Very Good (96 to 100 %), Good (90 to 95,9 %), Fair (85 to 89,9 %) and Poor (90 to 95,9 %) and (Less than 85%).

Results: Risk factors such as the use of oxytocin to conduct the job of (84,7%) and uterine overdistension (44,7%) generated uterine atony (35,2%) and lesions of the soft canal (35,2%) as the most frequent aetiologies. The lesions of the soft canal (35,2%) were replenished as the most frequent etiologies. Blood loss as established by the protocol of action before hemorrhage of the blood immediate postpartum. In 100% of the actions were contained as measures of prevention classification by Blood Bank and Active Delivery. The guidelines the quantification of hemorrhage and the detection of hemorrhages signs of aggravation and hypovolemic shock.

Conclusion: The protocolized medical action was very well evaluated before the management of factors associated with obstetric haemorrhage in the immediate postpartum period. It is recommended the active search for the incipient symptoms and signs of aggravation from an approach syndromic and integral risks that particularizes the previous deficiency state and the repercussion individual hemodynamics.


postpartum hemorrhage. clinical protocols. maternal mortality. obstetrics. patient care management.
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