¿Bathing with sewage?
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How to Cite

Traviezo Valles LE. ¿Bathing with sewage?. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2019Jul.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];4(7):e253. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/253


The danger of infection by enteroparasites of bathers of the Turbio River, which is contaminated with untreated wastewater, is described.



water. parasites. Blastocystis. Endolimax nana. Venezuela.
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Traviezo Valles LE, Salas A, Lozada C, Cárdenas, E, Martín J, Agobian G. Detección de enteroparásitos en lechugas que se comercializan en el estado Lara, Venezuela. 2013. Rev Méd Cient “Luz Vida”; 4(1):7-11. https://biblat.unam.mx/es/revista/revista-medico-cientifica-luz-y-vida/articulo/deteccion-de-enteroparasitos-en-lechugas-que-se-comercializan-en-el-estado-lara-venezuela


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