The Chronic pelvic pain is a clinical condition of great importance in the gynecological consultation. It is multifactorial in nature and this makes an integral and multidisciplinary approach essential. It is a common gynecological problem in women of childbearing age and it is estimated that its frequency is 15%. It is associated with a wide range of conditions that surround the reproductive, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and musculoskeletal system. To understand more fully its clinical presentation, the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms involved and the causes most commonly diagnosed are explained. The need for a multidisciplinary approach is highlighted, since despite its high prevalence there is no clear approximation of its primary approach in an integral way.
2. Review of Clinical Signs, Bernard M.Karnath, MD. July 2007 Acute and Chronic Pelvic Pain in women.
3. Abordaje Integral de Dolor Pélvico Crónico: Revisión de la literatura, Juan Sebastián Fuentes Porras, Janer Sepúlveda Agudelo.
4. Allan H. De Cherney, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Ginecoobstétrico, 11vaedición. Capítulo 56, Endometriosis, página 911-919.