Acute appendicitis is one of the main causes of acute surgical abdomen. We will be defined as an inflammation of the appendix of obstruction of its lumen. The most common causes are lymphoid hyperplasia, fecaliths, tumors or foreign bodies like bones of small animals, or seeds. The sign of Mc Burney is classic sign of this condition, but that is not always present. Ultrasonography and computed tomography are good diagnostic tests as the clinical manifestation is not classical. Early appendectomy is the treatment of choice.Keywords
Acute appendicitis. Mc Burney. surgical abdomen. lymphoid.
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Departamento de Cirug%C3%ADa/Gu%C3%ADa de Pr%C3%A1cticaCl%C3%ADnicadeApendicitis-Aguda---GPC-DC-001.
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