Frailty associated with the risk of falls in older adults in UMF 62.
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Ortiz Cedillo II, Ríos Morales R. Frailty associated with the risk of falls in older adults in UMF 62.: Frailty associated with the risk of falls in older adults from Family Medicine Unit number 62, Cuautitlán, México. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2024Aug.1 [cited 2024Oct.19];9(8):e1145. Available from:


Introduction: Approximately 33% of the elderly population in Mexico suffer from falls, due to fragility, so it is important to detect this to avoid complications.

Objective: Estimate the frailty associated with the risk of falls in older adults from the UMF 62.

Material and methods: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional and prolective study was carried out that included 362 older adults, assigned to the UMF 62, selected by a formula of 1 finite proportion and sampling, non-probabilistic, under convenience. The timed test measurement scale (Timed Up and Go) was applied to them for the risk of falls, reliability of 0.96; and Frail's test, for the detection of frailty in older adults with a reliability of 0.73.

Statistical analysis: Using the SPSS v.25 program; An analysis was carried out with the ordinal qualitative variables and inferential analysis with the Kruskal Wallis ANOVA test with (p=<0.05).

Results: It was found that the risk of falls was associated with 55% (199 patients), followed by frailty with risk of falls and probable frailty with 23.5% (85 patients); (p= 0.000).

Conclusion: It was concluded that patients with greater fragility have a greater risk of falls.


fragility. geriatric. functional damage.
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