Ankle arm index and cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertensive disease of the Family Medicine Unit 62
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Cortés Romero NM, Vargas Salazar BS, Gutiérrez Romero A, Ríos Morales R. Ankle arm index and cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertensive disease of the Family Medicine Unit 62. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Oct.1 [cited 2024Oct.28];8(10):e1107. Available from:


Background: The ankle brachial index is a non-invasive measure, simple and easy to measure in the doctor's office, it is the result of dividing the systolic blood pressure of each ankle into a higher value of any systolic blood pressure of the brachial arteries. An ankle brachial index of less than 0.9 is associated with a higher incidence of coronary and cerebrovascular artery complications, leading to a high risk of cardiovascular mortality.

Objective: To estimate the relationship between ankle-brachial index and cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertensive disease.

Material and methods: Type of study: Observational, analytical, transversal and prolective. Formula used for sample calculation: Finite formula. Calculated sample: 363 patients. Sampling: Simple random. Inclusion criteria: Included are those patients enrolled in this unit, aged between 45-85 years. The Excel 2016 package was used. Descriptive statistics were applied, with SPSS v25® software.

Results: In the present research work, the association between the ankle-brachial index and cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertensive disease was analyzed (p=0.017).

Conclusions: The prevalence found in our study sample is appreciably lower than that described in the literature for patients with hypertensive disease of comparable age, this due to the fact that our study has several limitations such as: the sample size which was smaller than that of previously conducted studies, and to the exclusion of subjects with a higher risk of PAD, since the incidence rates of pathological ITB appear higher in patients who smoke, followed by those with dyslipidemia and diabetes.


ankle brachial index. cardiovascular risk. hypertension.
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