Overview of lumbar disc herniation approach
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Cascante Gutiérrez A, Arriola Gutiérrez JG, Padilla Ureña Y. Overview of lumbar disc herniation approach. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2023Jan.1 [cited 2024Dec.22];8(1):e945. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/945


Lumbar disc herniation originates when the pressure within the nucleus pulposus (disc’s inner portion) increases enough for it to push through the annulus fibrosus (outer portion) and become herniated. That herniated tissue impinges on adjacent nerve roots and recruits pro-inflammatory factors, which elicits typical signs and symptoms of the disease. Usually dermatomal pain, sensory deficits, reflex deficits, and/or motor weakness, may present in association with a positive Lasegue sign. Radiographs are the first imaging modality on the work-up of low back pain. However, magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard to confirm disc hernia. Therapeutic approach should be multidisciplinary and progressive, since most the cases resolve without any treatment. Conservative treatment involves drugs, education, and exercises. If conservative treatment fails, a surgical intervention may be required.



Low back pain. intervertebral disc displacement. intervertebral disc degeneration.
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