Peculiarities and approach of cervical spine injuries in children
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Castrillo Hine C, Solano Muñoz JC, Leitón Solano V. Peculiarities and approach of cervical spine injuries in children. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Jun.1 [cited 2024Sep.19];7(6):e851. Available from:


Cervical spinal injury is a rare condition in children, representing 1.5% of all blunt trauma. The injury pattern differs from that of the adult due to anatomical and biomechanical differences, with the cervical segment being the most prone to injury. Factors that increase the risk of cervical spinal injury are the mechanism of trauma and intrinsic conditions of the patient such as pathologies affecting the joint stability of the spine. The initial approach based on Advanced Trauma Life Support, as well as management focused on the prevention of indirect spinal cord injury, is vital for a better outcome. The use of plain radiographs as a screening method is indicated in patients with suspected spinal injury and the use of other imaging studies depends on the clinical and radiological findings. Spinal injuries in children are associated with a better prognosis with rapid neurological recovery, however they carry significant morbidity and mortality, where complications such as autonomic dysfunction, functional and psychological sequelae and thromboembolic events, are not uncommon.


cervical cord. spinal cord injuries. wounds and injuries. pediatrics.
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