Post dural puncture headache
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Chacón Campos N, Pizarro Madrigal M, Guerrero Hines C. Post dural puncture headache . Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Jun.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];7(6):e847. Available from:


Lumbar puncture is a procedure performed for diagnostic, therapeutic, or regional anesthesia purposes. After this procedure, headache may occur due to decreased intracranial pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, which appears within five days after the puncture, and improves within a week. The post dural puncture headache is a common complication back to inadvertently both warned as dura arriving at percentages greater than 60% in some patients; besides being in develop countries, the third cause of postoperative litigation complications. Post dural puncture headache is usually a benign and self-limited complication, but without treatment it can lead to other more serious complications and can even lead to death. Multiple means of prophylaxis and treatment have been proposed, but in many cases, the scientific evidence is insufficient.


dura mater. headache. spinal anesthesia. spinal puncture. intracranial pressure.
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