Drug-induced photosensitivity refers to skin rashes resulting from an exaggerated or abnormal response of the skin following exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, either from sunlight or an artificial source, in patients using any drug. medicine. These can be subdivided into phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. The phototoxicity reaction is given by a non-immunological response that results in cell injury and tissue damage, while the photoallergic reaction corresponds to a delayed type IV hypersensitivity immunological reaction.
Medications most commonly associated with these reactions include amiodarone, chlorpromazine, doxycycline, hydrochlorothiazide, naproxen, piroxicam, tetracyclines, voriconazole, griseofulvin, quinolones, sulfonamides, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and systemic retinoids. The presentation of the reaction will depend on the dose of the drugs, as well as the time of exposure to UV radiation. Diagnosis is mainly based on a detailed clinical history and physical examination, although various methods such as phototesting or photopatch may be useful. Most can be treated with cold compresses, emollients or topical calamine, however, depending on the case, oral analgesics and topical corticosteroids may be needed. If the involvement is severe, systemic corticosteroids can be used.
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