Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients with HIV/AIDS who suffered from COVID-19 in Florida - Cuba, 2021
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Alonso Carballo J, Gómez Gutiérrez M, Pérez Rodríguez A, de la Fe Mora Y. Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients with HIV/AIDS who suffered from COVID-19 in Florida - Cuba, 2021. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Jun.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];7(6):e824. Available from:


Introduction: Two pandemics would be united in the 21st. century: HIV-AIDS and COVID-19. The first with control in most developing countries, with a tendency to decrease death; and COVID-19 with outbreaks with an increase in infections and deaths. Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological behavior of COVID-19 in patients living with the virus in Florida, 2021. Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study carried out on 21 patients living with HIV-AIDS who suffered from COVID-19 infection, evaluating the socio demographic variables of the sample: age, sex, origin; also forms of epidemiological contagion, clinical forms of presentation, ad evolution of the clinical picture. Results: Patients from 19 to 39 years old predominated 49,9%, male 57,1%, and urban origin 71,4%: more than half were university students, The majority were patients with HIV control 61,9%, and 95,2 % received antiretroviral drugs. Rhinorrhea (52,4%), nasal obstruction and headache (33,3% each), along with fever (28,6%), were the predominant symptoms in 42,9%, the main risk factor was being in contact with a confirmed person. Only 4,8% of patients presented critical forms, none had. Discussion: The HIV-AIDS infection associated with the spread of COVID-19 does not predispose to an increase in mortality and developed a behavior similar to the reviewed in the consulted bibliography. Conclusions: The clinical and epidemiological behavior of COVID 19  in patients living with the virus is similar to those who do not carry this condition.


HIV. Coronavirus. COVID-19.
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