Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
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Mou Keng M, Araya Zúñiga A, Salazar Cedeño V. Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy: the most common dermatosis during pregnancy. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022May1 [cited 2024Jul.22];7(5):e819. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/819


Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, also known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, is the most common of all skin conditions during pregnancy. This dermatosis is characterized by the appearance of very pruritic plaques and papules, by its self-limited evolution and by its unknown etiology. Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy usually affects women during the last trimester of pregnancy, and less frequently, in the postpartum period. The exact pathogenesis is not well elucidated, and the clinical findings can be variable, so the differential diagnosis with other dermatoses must be considered. Its diagnosis is clinical, and it can be challenging due to the heterogeneous presentation of the disease. Being a self-limited pathology that does not pose any risk to the mother or the fetus, treatment is symptomatic.



skin diseases. pruritus. pregnancy complications. exanthema.
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