Initial approach to chronic diarrhea in adults
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Troz Parra IP, Pérez Fernández T, Agüero Moreira M. Initial approach to chronic diarrhea in adults. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Mar.1 [cited 2024Jul.27];7(3):e773. Available from:


Chronic diarrhea is a frequent symptom, both in the general practitioner's office and in the gastroenterologist's office. We speak of chronic diarrhea when it occurs for a period greater than 4 weeks and there are different pathophysiological mechanisms that include multiple associated causes. Chronic diarrhea will be divided for convenience into 3 major types: inflammatory, malabsorptive, and functional. There are so many differential diagnoses in relation to this symptom that the most significant thing will be to give priority to an adequate clinical history and to the rational and adequate use of laboratory and imaging studies, to be able to determine if it is a functional or organic problem and thus reaching an accurate and adequate diagnosis, always for the benefit of the patient.


chronic diarrhea. approach. adults. malabsorption. functional. inflammatory.
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