Postpartum depression
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Acuña Alvarado A, Ramírez Zumbado E, Azofeifa Zumbado MF. Postpartum depression. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2021Sep.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];6(9):e712. Available from:


Postpartum depression is a disease that affects around 25% of the female population after pregnancy. It’s a disease associated with behavioral changes in the first 12 months postpartum and is one of the possible behavioral diagnosis related to postpartum. The social, psychological and physical adaptations that women undergo; in addition to the changes in a family, sentimental bondage with the baby, new responsibility as a mother and the physical changes in her body may cause depression. Therefore, early and immediate detection of this type of disease is necessary to try and avoid severity that can cause repercussions in the mother as well as the newborn. This article is a bibliographic review that gives an overview of postpartum depression and the specific details for a better evaluation of these patients in early stages.


postpartum. depression. pregnancy. behavioral.
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