Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
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Campos Duarte K, Mesén Román M, Cartín Ramírez A. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2021Aug.1 [cited 2024Jul.2];6(8):e699. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/699


The hypokalemic paralysis is a dominant neuromuscular autosomal disorder, that belongs to a group of diseases known as channelopathies. These kinds of diseases are characterized for showing mutations on the genes located on the ionic channels of sodium and calcium defendant on the voltage, which cause an inexatibility of the muscular membrane. They present several clinical manifestations like episodes of paralysis and muscle weakness of the 4 body members which can last hours, nonetheless it usually affects the lower members of the body, related with low levels of potassium on the blood. There are two genes which cause the alterations in the voltage denominated CACNA1S, SCN4A.

The diagnosis is based on the clinical history as well the symptomatology, as well confirmation through genetic tests, the adequate education about identifying risk factors, dietary advice, lifestyle changes and well pharmacological intervention are the ideal treatment for the condition.



hypokalemic. channelopathies. muscular weakness. paralysis.
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