Relationship between obesity and bariatric surgery
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How to Cite

Solano Hidalgo JA, Ramírez Fallas RS, Alfaro Pacheco RJ. Relationship between obesity and bariatric surgery. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2021Feb.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];6(2):e640. Available from:


Obesity is defined as a pathological state that is characterized by an excess of fat in the body and is a global health problem which has been increasing and has become one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and endocrinological. The body mass index is an indicator of the balance between weight and height of each individual and is very useful to determine nutritional states and identify patients at high risk of developing diseases due to this comorbidity. There are different treatment strategies for obesity reduction, among which, surgical interventions have shown a significant reduction in body weight, as well as its maintenance.


obesity. body mass index. bariatric surgery. overweight. gastrectomy.
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