Multimodal management of chronic pain
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Blanco Naranjo EG, Chavarría Campos GF, Garita Fallas YM. Multimodal management of chronic pain. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2021Apr.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];6(4):e625. Available from:


Chronic pain is that which persists beyond the recovery time from an injury, or that which persists or recurs beyond three months. When acute pain is not treated correctly it can become chronic. Chronic pain is considered a disease itself and must be treated according to its etiology. Pain is not just nociception, it also involves the psychological and social spheres so successful management of chronic pain requires addressing all unpleasant physical and psychological conditions. The management of this pathology requires a multimodal approach that includes combinations of pharmacological, non-pharmacological and interventional therapies.


chronic pain. nociceptors. combined modality therapy. nociceptive pain. tapentadol.
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