Frequent psychiatric disorders in the postpartum period
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Araya Villavicencio S, Barrantes Ortiz I. Frequent psychiatric disorders in the postpartum period. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];5(12):e618. Available from:


The postpartum period represents a risk for the development or exacerbation of mental disorders. The "baby blues" is an entity whose main symptom is sadness, and can evolve into a major depression (in this period known as postpartum depression); both entities have high prevalence and it is important to address them early to avoid complications such as suicide or infanticide. Meanwhile, postpartum psychosis comprises an alteration in the perception of reality that occurs in the first four weeks after giving birth, and is considered a debut of bipolar disorder; this entity is also a risk factor for suicide and infanticide. The approach to these disorders must be comprehensive, obtaining a detailed medical history and physical examination and ruling out possible organic causes for the symptoms, in order to initiate treatment in a timely manner.


postpartum period. depression. psychotic disorders. parturition.
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