Vestibular disorder in primary care
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Valverde Madriz M, Carballo Badilla M, Valverde Madriz P. Vestibular disorder in primary care: initial assessment for the patient with vertigo. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];5(10):e588. Available from:


Vertigo is a frequent motive for consultation at primary care, and its accurate diagnosis represents a challenge for the physician. During the diagnostic process, the doctor must have the ability to distinguish between central and peripheral vertigo, according to its origin. In order to do so, a detailed clinical history and a complete physical examination are required. In addition, the physician must know the diagnostic tests and vestibular maneuvers, which will identify the correct etiology. This review complies updated information on the initial approach, diagnosis and the most frequent peripheral causes of vertigo in primary care.


vertigo. dizziness. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. meniere disease. vestibular neuronitis.
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