Acute osteomyelitis: classification, pathophysiology, and diagnosis
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Brenes Méndez M, Gómez Solorzano N, Orozco Matamoros D. Acute osteomyelitis: classification, pathophysiology, and diagnosis. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Aug.1 [cited 2024Jul.2];5(8):e554. Available from:


Acute osteomyelitis is an infectious and inflammatory process of the bone that can involve from the medulla to the cortex. It is characterized by a period of evolution of no more than two weeks from the onset of symptoms until diagnosis. It is frequently classified according to its etiology, anatomy, and comorbidities. Acute osteomyelitis can originate from an infectious focus adjacent to the bone, by hematogenous route or direct inoculation. It is usually unifocal, frequently affecting the metaphyses of long bones, especially the femur, tibia, and humerus. The etiologic agent identified in most cases regardless of the age group is Staphylococcus aureus. The clinical presentation depends on the age group and the etiology. Diagnosis is based on medical history, laboratory tests, and imaging techniques.


osteomyelitis. classification. bone. infection. biopsy.
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