Sexually transmitted infections in primary care
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Malpartida Ampudia MK. Sexually transmitted infections in primary care. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Apr.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];5(4):e405. Available from:


Sexually transmitted diseases are clinical syndromes caused by various pathogens. The contagion is from person to another during a sexual relationship that may or may not have penetration, the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are not always obvious, and will depend on their etiology, for this reason they can be untreated, triggering complications irreparable such as infertility, organ damage, certain types of cancer or death. The treatment will depend on the etiology, condition and phase of the disease, this should be directed not only to the infected person but to the couple, which is why this infection must be seen in a global and community family way.


sexually transmitted diseases. mass screening. syphilis. lymphogranuloma venereum. chancre.
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