Postpartum depression in a primary care
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Malpartida Ampudia MK. Postpartum depression in a primary care. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2020Feb.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];5(2):e355. Available from:


Although motherhood is a period that is perceived as a positive stage, many women experience serious psychological problems during pregnancy and the puerperium. Pregnancy and childbirth are critical moments in the psychological adaptation of women and are often accompanied by sleep disorders, fatigue, loss of libido and anxious thoughts about the baby. Postpartum depression is a public health problem, early diagnosis of this disease is relevant, not only by the mother but also by the father in order to take a first step to broaden the look from the mother-son dyad to the mother triad - father and son. It must differentiate between other disorders such as postpartum sadness and postpartum psychosis. The worldwide incidence is 15%, is multifatorial etiology. The diagnosis must be early and the DSM-5 criteria must be considered and currently it covers the perinatal period, the treatment is individualized.


postpartum depression. primary health care. affective disorders, psychotic.
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