Caesarean delivery as a risk factor for the development of asthma in childhood
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Ferllini Montealegre SM, Miranda Muñoz MF, Vindas Vargas JF. Caesarean delivery as a risk factor for the development of asthma in childhood. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2019Sep.1 [cited 2024Sep.18];4(9):e266. Available from:


Asthma is a pathology that affects large population worldwide, has been associated with multiple risk factors, including caesarean sections, which in recent decades have been increasing, which has led to multiple investigations on this  cause.  In this article, several comparative variants between different types of births were reviewed as well as the physiological modifications for the development of asthma in childhood and its relationship with caesarean sections.


Cesarean section. normal childbirth. asthma. microbiota. child. preschool.
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