Superior vena cava syndrome: oncological emergency
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How to Cite

Delgado DD. Superior vena cava syndrome: oncological emergency. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2018Sep.1 [cited 2024Jul.17];3(9):14 - 19. Available from:


The first description of superior vena cava syndrome was performed in 1757, by a Scottish physician, William Hunter, in a patient with syphilis aortic aneurysm. Any condition that causes obstruction of blood flow in the superior vena cava is given this name. Over time antibiotics were introduced, the infectious causes was displaced by neoplastic ones (90%) and to a lesser extent by intravenous devices, where thrombosis occurs. Treatment depends on etiology and severity, mainly radiotherapy and chemotherapy in cases of malignan etiology. This syndrome becomes a real emergency when it produces compression of the airway.


urgency. oncology. syndrome. superior vena cava.
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