Introduction: Since the appearance of alcohol, men have been divided into two groups: those who drink it and those who do not. This is influenced by cultural, social, religious patterns, taboos, etc. Objective: Characterize the factors psychosocial that influence alcohol consumption in adolescents. Methods: A systematic bibliographic review was carried out on the factors that influence alcohol consumption in adolescents. The search was carried out through virtual platforms: Scielo, Lilacs, Medline and the Google Scholar search engine in March 2023. 66 references were consulted, of which 19 were selected taking into account their relevance and update according to the objective of the work. The historical-logical and analysis-synthesis methods were used to develop a reflective critical assessment of the content of the published documents. Development: Alcohol abuse is a maladaptive disorder associated with multiple factors. The alterations in the health of adolescents also produce alterations in the relationships between the members of the families with social and economic repercussions on their members and in the integral functioning of the family. Conclusions: Alcohol is a gatekeeper drug, due to its facilitating action on the consumption of other substances. The identification of the problem in the analysis of the health situation is the first step in the eradication of this problem. The current trend is to increase consumption by adolescents at ever younger ages.
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