Educational intervention about adolescent pregnancy
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Rondón Carrasco J, Morales Vázquez CL, Chacón Medina N. Educational intervention about adolescent pregnancy. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2022Sep.1 [cited 2024Jul.2];8(9):e1100. Available from:


Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy is one that occurs in an adolescent woman, between early adolescence or puberty and the end of adolescence. Objective: Raise the level of knowledge of adolescents about pregnancy in adolescence. Methods: An experimental study, a community intervention trial on adolescent pregnancy, was carried out. Universe 133 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19 and the sample 91, selected by simple random sampling and who met the selection criteria. The variables were used: age, sex, adequate age for the beginning of sexual relations, contraceptive methods that they know, general knowledge about pregnancy in adolescence. Results: The female sex predominated 51 (56 %), the most represented age group 14-16 years 40 (44 %), 53 adolescents (58,2 %) consider the age between 18-19 years as appropriate for the start of the sexual relations The best-known method turned out to be the copper T 89 (97.8%), however, 39 (42,9 %) consider contraceptive tablets to be the ideal method for their age. Before the intervention, a low level of knowledge prevailed in 49 (53,8 %), at the end of the study, the high evaluation category prevailed in 88 (96,7 %). Conclusions: The intervention was effective in increasing knowledge about the consequences of pregnancy in adolescence. This type of intervention made it possible to encourage changes in the lifestyles of the participants.


early educational intervention. teenage pregnancy. pregnancy at puberty. pregnancy in adolescence. risk factors.
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