Utility of viscoelastic tests in trauma patient
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Campos Zamora MF, Sánchez Vásquez A, Barboza Ortega JS. Utility of viscoelastic tests in trauma patient. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2023Aug.1 [cited 2024Jul.22];8(8):e1084. Available from: https://revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/1084


Trauma-induced coagulopathy is a complication suffered by polytraumatized patients with severe injuries, causing intense bleeding early, and thrombotic alterations in its late phase. It is a pathology that must be recognized quickly, and give a targeted treatment at the phases of the coagulation process in which the problem occurs, otherwise the patient has a high probability of dying. Viscoelastic tests are a hematological type test, in which a graphic type assessment of coagulation is made, providing real-time information on the patient's hemostatic state in a kinetic, sequential manner and includes dynamic changes that may arise during the process. It provides a very fast report compared to conventional coagulation tests, and facilitates the individualized choice of blood components to be transfused. With this review, it´s shown the usefulness of viscoelastic tests in the approach to a polytraumatized patient, because it makes it easier for the physician to make decisions on resuscitation of the patient quickly and safely, achieving adequate stabilization and finally avoiding complications.



viscoelastic test. trauma. coagulopathy. thromboelastography. thromboelastrometry.
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