About the Journal

















Revista Medica Sinergia is an open access journal based in Costa Rica. The main objective of this peer-reviewed journal is to disseminate original and transcendental knowledge in the field of doctors and its specialties. Our mission is to become a valuable tool for the dissemination of research in the health area at the international level. Its thematic coverage area are the topics related to health science (internal medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, pediatrics, etc.). This is carried out through monthly publications of articles of bibliographic reviews, research, scientific communication and case reports. The journal is primarily directed to medical personnel and related sciences in the area of health.
Revista Medica Sinergia primary readership consists of doctors, doctors educators, academics, medical students, gynecologists, surgeons, pediatricians, researchers, health professionals and general public interested in expanding their knowledge in the area. Our journal consider unpublished and original manuscripts with a prominent focus on critical and innovative data, promoting major clinical, academic and scientific research.

2- ISSN     

EISSN: 2215-5279

ISSN: 2215-4523


Location: Frente de la parada de buses Guacimo , Limon , Costa Rica
Telephone: 8668002 - Correo electrónico: sociedaddemedicosdeamerica@hotmail.com
web:  https://spark.adobe.com/page/zndhkEbqrj0dp/ o click  : Sociedad de Médicos de América


Name: Editorial Médica Esculapio 
Location: 50 metros norte de UCIMED, Sabana Sur, San José, Costa Rica
Telephone: 8668002 .   E-mail: editorialmedicaesculapio@hotmail.com


The journal is published monthly, the publication takes place on the 01st of each month, publishing a number every month of the year, counting with 12 numbers per year.

6- INDEXES     

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All of the articles are gold open access, usually after payment of an article processing charge (APC). The content is available free online for everyone to read.

. Review Articles, Clinical Case Reports : 200 US dollars (IVA included) after accetance

. Original Research: 80 US dollars (IVA included) after accetance



Revista Médica Sinergia informs to the general public, people who is interested in publishing in this journal, should accept the following copyright conditions with respect to open access, rights and preservation rules:

In order to encourage the exchange of global knowledge, Revista Medica Sinergia provides free, immediate access to its content under the principle of costless disponibility of information for the research community, persons interested in Medicine, health related themes and general public.

Revista Medica Sinergia  endoses to  Creative Commons License(CC BY-NC 4.0)

 Attribution (BY- NC)  — (BY) You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. (NC) You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

Check this license terms: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.es_ES


Revista Medica Sinergia was created with high standards of quality, transparency and integrity. We are committed to ensuring a good execution of the editorial work in all its stages.

Publishes articles of academic relevance, emphasized in the medical area (internal medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, pediatrics, etc.). All articles are original, of high interest in the field of health, thus promoting scientific, clinical and academic research.

Our journal complies with a review process by external peers, these reviewers are anonymous and unrelated to the editorial board and scientific committee, the evaluation is done according to the double blind model.

We have our own Code of Ethics, which validates that scientific publications are of quality, that give confidence to readers and the general public about the results and scientific findings. In addition, authors can receive credit for their ideas.

More information related to ethical issues can be reviewed in:

Código de ética  y buenas practicas by Revista Medica Sinergia


Synergy Medical Journal may receive plagiarism report from: editorial committee, external evaluators, readers, or other means of notification. Upon receiving a notification of this nature, proceed to:
1. The editorial committee will have a week to investigate and verify the accuracy of the notification. The magazine can use the following program: plagiarism detector program.
2. The author is informed about the notification and is reminded about the originality and ethical code of the articles.
3. The author has 15 days to resolve the observation and send an appeal to the editorial committee at: comite.editorial.rms@gmail.com.
4. The editorial committee will have 15 days to evaluate the author's appeal and a final report will be sent to the author, which can consist of 2 decisions:
a) Accepted appeal: the publication process continues, in case the article is already published, no modification will be made.
b) Denied appeal: the publication process is stopped, in case the article is already published, the journal can retract the article.


1. Internally,  it has storage on external hard drives that update its contents montly (after publication).
2. Long-term preservation, Revista Médica Sinergia has access to preserve its articles in CLOCKSS and LOCKSS. 

3. Legal Preservation, according to the Costa Rican laws: Ley de Imprenta (Print Law, No.32, July 12, 1902) and Ley sobre Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos (Law on Copyright and Related Rights, No. 6683, October 14, 1992, Art. 106); Revista Médica Sinergia makes the legal deposit of its published volumes and issues in the Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas (National Libraries System, SINABI) in PDF version.


Journal visit statistics :  https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/1uUdZQH-GIv1DTpzp676dK_52ZX5vNEAr/page/1M

Article citation statistics:  https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=gZJ1BmEAAAAJ&hl=es&scioq=revista+medica+sinergia

Article dowload statistics: In each article


Before submitting an article to Revista Médica Sinergia, please make sure that it complies with the rules indicated below.



All manuscripts, when submitted for evaluation and possible publication, must be original and unpublished, this means that they must not be simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies. It is made clear that only original and unpublished articles will be accepted.

Manuscripts must be related to the area of ​​health.

The following documents must be filled out, signed and sent in PFD format (no photo or similar):

  1. Copyright acceptance letter: this letter can be found by clicking here.
  2. Originality Requirement: You can find it by clicking Here, this letter states, among other things, that the article is original.

NOTE: the aforementioned documents must be sent together with the article to be evaluated, to the following email: revistamedicasinergia@gmail.com; or they can be entered directly on the journal page: www.revistamedicasinergia.com. If anyone has difficulty entering any document, please let us know by email: revistamedicasinergia@gmail.com, and we will gladly assist you.

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format. The size of the sheet must be letter (letter).

Manuscripts can be written by a maximum of three (3) authors. It is possible to add an additional author if he/she is an academic specialist in the subject.

Submitted manuscripts must not have been published totally or partially in any printed or digital journal, in the same or different language.


You should not submit your manuscript for review to two journals simultaneously.

All manuscripts must have: the title, abstract and keywords in two languages.

Bibliographical references must be prepared according to the Vancouver Style. These recommendations are based on the NISO Z30.29-2005(R2010), which indicates that bibliographic references should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text, and should be identified in Arabic numbers in parentheses (1). "Reference used, reference cited." Some examples can be found by clicking here. Be careful with the overuse of references, it is recommended not to place more than three bibliographic references for each idea.


You can observe types of articles in detail, in the following link: TYPES OF ARTICLES

  1. Research articles: these are research articles of a clinical, laboratory or biological nature. They deal with the scope of research and its possible scientific applications in the medical field. They must have a minimum of 25 bibliographic citations.
  2. Bibliographic reviews: they provide a general view of a topic from all possible perspectives, offering a synthesis of the current knowledge available in this regard. Topics must be of medical-scientific interest, with an up-to-date biography of relevance (it cannot be more than five years old). They must have a minimum of 15 bibliographic citations (maximum 40 references)
  3. Case report: article that reports one or several clinical cases of clinical relevance for the medical area. They can be cases taken from medical meetings or clinical case sessions conducted by a specific specialty. All must have informed consent. They must have a minimum of 15 bibliographic citations.

For writing, you can use the Care writer guidelines

  1. Special article: work carried out by an expert in the field. It allows the author to expose, discuss and comment on a relevant topic from a particular and expert point of view, without being subjected to the usual structure of an original article. Bibliographical references: minimum 10 bibliographic citations.
  2. Letter to the editor: brief documents that allow expressing opinions and comments on a topical topic of general interest or on a recently published article in the magazine. It must be brief. There will be no peer review of content, but the Editor-in-Chief will assess your content prior to publication. The objective of this section is to create a space for scientific debate and exchange of ideas. Bibliographical references: minimum 5 bibliographic citations. Letters to the editor can be written by a maximum of one (1) author.


Ethical responsibilities: take into account the Code of Ethics of Revista Medica Sinergia.

Confidentiality: each author is responsible for following the established protocols and obtaining permission from the health center to access the data from the medical records and be able to carry out this type of publication, for the purpose of research and dissemination to the community, for which they must declare compliance with this requirement. The author has the obligation to guarantee that he has complied with having informed


First step: The editor-in-chief checks that the manuscript complies with the rules regarding style and content indicated in the "instructions for publication" section. Manuscripts that meet these requirements go on to the next step. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be rejected and will not proceed to the second step.

Second step. All manuscripts will be submitted to the evaluation process, the arbitration is external, by the external peer review system, which will be carried out according to the double-blind model. The reviewers will have three (3) weeks to express their opinions.

Third step: based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editorial Board makes the decision.

  • Acceptance without comments
  • Acceptance with observations or minor changes
  • Refused

If the manuscript has been approved with comments, the journal assistant will contact the main author (via email, within a period not exceeding 3 business days), the authors must resubmit a new version of the manuscript, within a period not greater than 72 hours, in which the pertinent changes must be made, attending to the demands and suggestions of the reviewers.

Fourth step. Once the manuscript has been sent with the suggested modifications, the Editorial Board will finally make a pronouncement and make the final decision.

Fifth step: An assistant from the journal will send the final result to the author via email. If the final opinion is positive, the APC will be collected; After receipt of proof of payment, the article will be sent to the editing, philological review and production area for publication.

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